Browserify Demos

All demos on this page are self-contained and used Browserify to bundle the require()'d dependencies into a single JavaScript bundle

Canvas Splitter

This demo by @hughsk uses two modules, one that creates RGB lookup tables and another that slices the color table canvas element into smaller canvases.

Here is the above code running in an iframe

Exploding Dots

This demo by @anvaka uses the ngraph.generators and ngraph.vivasvg modules to create an animated exploding SVG dot cluster.

Here is the above code running in an iframe, click it to run the animation.

Infinite 2D Cave Generator

This demo by @hughsk uses 7 small modules to create an explorable 2D procedurally generated cave.

Click the canvas to give it focus and then use WSAD or Arrow keys to explore.

2D velocity control

This demo by @sethvincent uses some modules from his CRTRDG 2D game library.

Click the canvas to give it focus and then use WSAD keys to explore.